Summer Loving: Having a blast

post summer loving

Wondering how to kick off the gardening year in your patch this January? Curious about the veggies and herbs suitable for planting right now? Check out the full list here. Whether you’re recovering from a hectic December or making a New Year’s resolution to reconnect with your garden, it’s time to get cracking! And with all the seasonal distractions, your garden might need some extra TLC to ensure it thrives in the summer sunshine.

Tropics and Sub Tropics

In the current heat, planting might not be ideal, but you can experiment with eggplant, zucchini, cucumber, capsicum, chillies, and tomatoes towards the month’s end. Lettuce can be considered towards the tail end of January, placing them under a shade cloth tent for protection. Don’t miss the window for watermelon and rock melon. The perfect fruit to cool down with.

rockmelon honeydew seeds

Honey Dew

crimson sweet watermelon seeds

Crimson Sweet

Cool Regions

In cooler regions, January still offers opportunities. Plant basil, parsley, watercress, sage, and dill. Mint is an option but contain it in a pot to prevent takeover. Tasty vegetables like spring onions, leeks, lettuces, and zucchini can be planted this month. Add color to your patch with stock, cosmos, and cornflowers.

flower cosmos picotee seeds

Cosmos Picotee

cornflower blue boy seed

Cornflower Blue Boy

Temperate Zones

It is pretty warm in this part of the world, but there are a couple of things you could pop in to the patch this January. Why not try leek, bush tomatoes, beans, cucumber, spring onions and zucchini.

Why not try some lovely flowering stuff in your patch as well, like: nasturtium and marigolds. These guys are great at attracting pollinators and beneficial insects to your patch, they look attractive and fresh as well.

leek american flag seed

Leek American Flag

zucchini black beauty seeds

Zucchini Black Beauty

To Do List

  • Feed your plants with seaweed tea or a low environmental impact liquid fertilizer.
  • Diluted worm teas every couple of weeks will boost growth and fruiting capabilities.
  • Brighten up your patch with marigolds and sunflowers, not only for aesthetics but also as beneficial insect attractors.
  • Consider a green manure crop like millet, lablab, or cowpea to revitalize your overworked patch.
  • Smart watering is crucial. Water early in the morning and opt for deep, infrequent watering a couple of times a week.
  • Top up mulch on your veggie patches, herb gardens, and ornamental beds. Mulch after watering to about 7cm depth, keeping it clear of plant stems.
  • Construct shade cloth tents for sensitive veggies and pot plants during high UV days or when you’re away.
  • Weeding is a rewarding task at this time, reducing competition for your delectable treats.

Regardless of your climate zone, start the year by giving your patch the love it deserves. Be strategic in your gardening hours, avoiding the heat and hydrating well. Early mornings and evenings offer blissful moments in your garden. Happy gardening!

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