Basil Mrs Burns Lime


Ocimum Basillicum

  • Seed Count 150
  • Zesty Flavour
  • Annual

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Basil Mrs Burns Lime is a legendary heirloom, nothing short of an idol among fine chefs and gardeners alike. This heirloom was discovered in New Mexico, and it is absolutely the best lime basil available anywhere, with a much more intense, citrusy, mouth-puckering flavour.

Basil Mrs Burns Lime possesses large, lush, oval-shaped, slightly puckered bright green leaves, with a scent of lime, and spikes of small, tubular white or pink-tinged flowers in late summer. This robust plant sets 7cm long leaves on plants that grow to around 60 to 90cm tall and 30 to 60cm wide.

The bright, fresh, lemony sweet scent and taste make them a perfect match for seasonal fruits and garden produce. Makes a delicious pesto and salad dressings and is perfect partner for chicken and fish.

Find your Climate Zone

Method: Sow direct
Soil Temp: 18°C - 35°C
Cool Mountain: Sep - Jan
Position: Part Shade
Arid: Aug - Jan
Row Spacing: 25 cm
Temperate: Sep - Feb
Planting Depth: 2 mm
Sub Tropical: Aug - Feb
Harvest: 75 Days
Tropical: All Year
Plant Height: 60 cm