Lavender Lemonade

Lavender Lemonade

Homemade lemonade offers therapeutic benefits thanks to its fruity contents. Lemon juice is a great source of many nutrients and can give the immune system a boost. With the addition of…

Eggplant Steaks

Eggplant Steaks

Ready in less than 30 minutes, these eggplant steaks are finger licking good! Creamy, “meaty” with a light crisp on the outside they’re a total hit. If you didn’t know what they’re made of,…

Rosa Bianca

Rosa Bianca

One of our most beautiful eggplants, this Italian heirloom has plump round white fruit blushed with lavender pink. Popular with chefs and vegetable connoisseurs alike, this eggplant has no bitterness,…

Kohl Rabi

Kohl Rabi

What is Kohlrabi? Looking something like a Sputnik in vegetable form, with a squat bulb and antennae-like shoots, kohlrabi is part of the cabbage family. The name translates from German…