Seed Enthusiasts
Join my club to improve your growing techniques, learn new skills, find out what you can plant each month, receive exciting recipes, interesting seed facts and how to grow an amazing garden.
I am always up for suggestions and if there are any specific topics you are interested in you can always drop me line on the contact form.

A taste of what’s to come

Nigella The Ethereal Beauty Every Aussie Garden Needs
Imagine a plant that looks like it’s been plucked straight from a fairy tale—wispy, delicate, and crowned with starry blooms that dance above feathery foliage. Meet Nigella (often called Love-in-a-Mist),…

Preparing Your Garden For Autumn
Autumn is the best time to plant your winter vegetable garden. As the weather cools and the rain starts to fall more frequently it is a pleasure to get back…

What Seeds To Plant In March
There’s something magic about this season. The mornings are cooler, the soil’s still warm, and those stubborn tomato plants are finally starting to surrender to the inevitable. Autumn is rolling…