How to plant Broccoli

broccoli sprouting calabrese seeds

About Broccoli

A common side dish, cold or hot, broccoli is a green edible plant in the cabbage family. Broccoli has large flower heads arranged in a tree-like structure branching out from a thick stalk. It is particularly rich in vitamin C and vitamin K.

When to Plant

 Plant seeds in either Autumn or early Spring. Germination can begin at temperatures as low as 4° C. If you live in a warmer climate, broccoli plants will do best if planted in Autumn. If you think that your soil will be too warm, a layer of mulch will help ensure cooler soil temperatures.

Where to Plant

Broccoli needs full sun and moist soil. Slightly acidic soil is preferable. For Spring planting, start seeds indoors in early August and plant out in late August to early September. For Autumn planting, sow seeds in the garden.

How to Plant

Plant the seeds 3mm deep in fertile soil. If planting in rows, plant 30cm apart with rows 30cm apart.

Caring for Broccoli

Keep plants watered, but take care to not get the developing broccoli heads wet whilst watering.  See the post “Cabbage Moth 101 – Technics to stop the Carnage” on how to prevent your broccoli being inundated with caterpillars.

How to Harvest

Harvest your broccoli when you see that the buds of the head are firm. Cut the stalk of the main head at a slant, and smaller side shoots will grow up from where you’ve cut. Make sure to harvest your broccoli before the yellow flower petals start to show – those parts have a mealy texture.

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